Toon van Waterschoot
Toon van Waterschoot

The KU Leuven Audio Engineering Lab carries out signal processing research in the context of audio, speech, music, and acoustics applications. The Lab currently hosts 15 international PhD and postdoc researchers and participates in several nationally and internationally funded research projects, ranging from fundamental research to industry-funded applied research. The Lab is headed by Toon van Waterschoot and is affiliated to two research labs at the KU Leuven Department of Electrical Engineering (ESAT): the Stadius Centre for Dynamical Systems, Signal Processing and Data Analytics and the e-Media Research Lab.

Toon van Waterschoot

Toon van Waterschoot received MSc (2001) and PhD (2009) degrees in Electrical Engineering, both from KU Leuven, Belgium, where he is currently Professor and Campus Chair of the Group T Leuven and De Nayer Sint-Katelijne-Waver Campuses. He has been a Consolidator Grantee of the European Research Council (ERC) and Head of the STADIUS Center for Dynamical Systems, Signal Processing, and Data Analytics, and has previously also held teaching and research positions at Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands and the University of Lugano in Switzerland. His research interests are in signal processing, machine learning, and numerical optimization, applied to acoustic signal enhancement, acoustic modeling, audio analysis, and audio reproduction.

Research Topics

The KU Leuven Audio Engineering Lab engages in research activities on the following topics:

Acoustic Signal Enhancement

Acoustic echo cancellation, Acoustic feedback control, Noise reduction, Dereverberation & Room equalization, (De)clipping & Loudspeaker compensation

Acoustic Modeling

Room acoustics, Numerical acoustics, Artificial reverberation synthesis, Church archaeoacoustics

Audio Analysis

Acoustic event detection & classification, Sound source localization, Automatic music analysis, Robust speech recognition, Speaker diarization, Speech emotion recognition

Audio Reproduction

Spatial audio, Room acoustics auralization, Binaural rendering, Sound field control